News | Published on 30th Jan 2017

‘Disappointed and we weren’t the only ones’- says HHIC

‘Cutting the number of boilers that can be delivered via ECO is a big mistake, and we are not the only ones to think so’ says Stewart Clements, Director, HHIC, following the publication of the Government’s response to the ECO: Help to Heat Consultation

He continued; ‘A majority of 44% of respondents to the consultation did not agree with the ECO proposal to limit boilers to 25,000 so we are very disappointed that BEIS have decided to stick to their decision to limit the number.

There are an estimated 9 million inefficient boilers still installed in UK homes. The English Housing Survey shows that privately owned and rented homes are more likely to have a noncondensing boiler, the least efficient type, yet the support to replace these boilers is being cut.  HHIC believes that installing a new condensing boiler is one of the most effective ways to reducing fuel poverty and helping to reduce family energy bills.

We are however pleased that BEIS recognise the importance of first time central heating systems as a means of tackling fuel poverty, but we would have liked to see more specific support as outlined in the report from our parent association the Energy and Utilities Alliance; Fuel poverty- ‘A Connected Solution’

You can read the government’s response to ECO here.