News | Published on 28th Apr 2016

‘Flawed’ RHI will not deliver renewable heat says HHIC

The Renewable Heat Incentive, RHI is ‘flawed’ says the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council, HHIC in their response to DECC’s Consultation: The Renewable Heat Incentive: A reformed and refocused scheme.

Stewart Clements, Director of HHIC said “The Renewable Heat Incentive, RHI is flawed and needs a clearer focus if it hopes to make any impact on our renewables targets.  HHIC would like to see funding targeted at those homes that can accommodate a renewable heating system and those where the current heating system is carbon intensive.

HHIC would also like to see:

  • The range of technologies available under the scheme broadened, particularly the inclusion of biopropane and gas absorption heat pumps.
  • Solar thermal to remain within the scheme especially as it improves the efficiency of a heat pump.
  • Support to develop the heat pump market. Increasing the tariff alone will not result in adoption of the technology.

 We are legally committed to achieving our 2020 renewable targets with the RHI the flagship policy for helping to decarbonise heat. Unfortunately, as it stands the RHI will simply not deliver.”

To read the full submission please visit:

HHIC is a division of the Energy and Utilities Alliance, EUA. EUA has published a report on the RHI entitled ‘RHI: A Smarter Approach’.

To read the report please visit