News | Published on 25th Jan 2017

Hydrogen is making headway; Industry seminar is one week away.

Following the very successful Hydrogen seminar held at HHIC in September 2016, where delegates were given a detailed briefing on industry activity to date, The Heating and Hotwater Industry Council, HHIC together with the Institute of Gas Engineers and Managers, IGEM are holding an event with a focus on ‘Developing the Hydrogen Fired Supply Chain’.

The event, which is FREE for HHIC/IGEM members will be held on the 1st February 2017.

Stewart Clements, Director, HHIC said; ‘HHIC’s seminar in September certainly added to the growing momentum surrounding hydrogen. Hydrogen offer real potential to decarbonise heat, affordably and without the need for homeowners to change their heating systems.

Delegates for this seminar will gain an update from the gas distribution networks on their hydrogen projects. IGEM will update on the Hydrogen working group which is looking at what standards may need to be developed if we decide to inject hydrogen into the gas grid.

The main briefing will be from Mark Crowther and Iain Summerfield of KIWA Gastec who will share the findings from their recent DECC report which looks at what will be needed for us to develop a Hydrogen-fired appliance supply chain.’

The seminar will take place at the IGEM office in Kegworth, starting at 9.30am. The following link gives further details to register for this event. Please contact Linda Mee via or 01509 678184 to book your place.

Remember it is FREE for HHIC/IGEM members.